Taking on Taiwan: The Unexpected Bonuses

For those of you who keep up regularly with my blog, you’re probably familiar with my fun experience in the ER a little while back.  I’ve never been a fan of the doctor–as I am sure not many people are–but honestly, visiting the doctor in Taiwan is one of the many bonuses to living here.  As an expat, I definitely have a different experience than the locals when it comes to daily life, but there are bonuses to living in Taiwan, and perhaps living in Asia in general.  So let’s break down just a few of the pros to moving to this island:

Taking on Taiwan: My Lizzie Moment

Growing up as a late 90s to early 2000s kid, Lizzie McGuire and Disney were all the craze.  Honestly, I think everyone wanted to be Lizzie McGuire at some point in their childhood.  She had Gordo and Miranda, and then she even got a movie where she met a handsome Italian pop singer (who turned out to be terrible in the end, unfortunately) and she sang in front of thousands of people, and still got Gordo in the end.  But mostly, I wanted to be Lizzie McGuire for one solid reason: that Vespa ride in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.  

Taking on Taiwan: The Buzz About Buxibans

Not less than twenty-four hours after touching down in Taipei the second time, I was sitting in a lecture hall among forty other men and women.  Some of them were the same age as I was, while others were older with far more teaching credentials than I had.  Exhaustion filled me, mostly because I’d spent much of the night chatting with my roommate and one of my now good friends, Rona, after she arrived as well.  We awaited our training leaders to start what would be a week’s worth of learning how to teach and more about the HESS curriculum.

Taking on Taiwan: Blank Slate

I’ve always loved travel, and my vacation in Taiwan in the spring of 2016 was a game changer.  I can still remember the goosebumps I felt across my skin as we descended into Taoyuan Airport in Taipei.  The first country I ever visited in Asia, and definitely not the last.  Stepping off the plane, it was one of the only times in my life I felt completely anonymous.  Everywhere I turned, Mandarin Chinese covered the signs and people spoke words I didn’t understand.  Even today, I don’t understand everything entirely.  

Taking on Taiwan: The Start

It’s a new year, and it’s officially (when you read this, not as I type this) 58 days until I step onto the plane bound for North America.  Believe me, I find it hard to believe that my time in Taiwan is coming to an end.  It seems that it was only yesterday that I stepped onto the plane to move here, to start working as an English teacher.  Honestly, I had no idea of the places and people I would encounter along the way.  That is precisely why in honor of my time in Taiwan and all the memories I have collected along the way, this blog post serves as the first in a series I am releasing, titled “Taking on Taiwan”.  And there’s no better place to start than right at the beginning, in October of 2015.