Cleaning House

“Ready?”  I nodded over to Thomas, who held his wand tightly in his hand.  His dark eyes shifted to the rattling door. I gulped. “On three.”

“One,” we both paused, hearing more intense rattling, “two…three.”

SLAM!  One flick of our wrists and the lock turned.  The door burst open, slamming open against the wall.  Pages upon pages flew out of the attic, causing both of us to hold our hands up.  Books toppled to the hallway floor from the stairs, reaching our toes and growing into a large pile.

Work Now, Play Later

As a twenty-five year old single woman living in America, I’ll admit: the struggle, unfortunately, is very real sometimes.  Life gets us down and we have to get back up, but that’s how it is, isn’t it?  There are challenges, ups and downs, but we prevail in the end.  Something I have never understood, however, is when we make deliberate, pleasure-based decisions and purchases that keep us down when all we want to do is get out of whatever rut we got stuck in.

Taking on Taiwan: The Unexpected Bonuses

For those of you who keep up regularly with my blog, you’re probably familiar with my fun experience in the ER a little while back.  I’ve never been a fan of the doctor–as I am sure not many people are–but honestly, visiting the doctor in Taiwan is one of the many bonuses to living here.  As an expat, I definitely have a different experience than the locals when it comes to daily life, but there are bonuses to living in Taiwan, and perhaps living in Asia in general.  So let’s break down just a few of the pros to moving to this island:

The Key to a Proper Diet

The year is 2011.  I was seventeen going on finally being a legal adult, preparing for university and collegiate division three ice hockey.  In the spring of that year, I’d written my first real full length manuscript (which I never ended up publishing) and I was attempting to get noticed on other smaller websites or journals.  As far as my future appeared, things were looking up.  Until I glanced around at the other aspects of my life.  Then the truth became more than apparent to me: my diet was inadequate.