Tips and Tricks for the Long Flights

In this day and age, there’s an influx of people traveling far and wide.  Many of my friends–at home and abroad–buy a plane ticket and venture off to a new country or sometimes a new continent to get away for a little while.  Here on this side of the world, the popular places to go are Thailand, Japan, Bali, and Hong Kong.  And Cebu, too.  For my North American friends, it’s a different mix.  Just take your pick!  Will it be Europe?  South America?  The Caribbean?  Somewhere close to home but not too close?

Travels from the Time Vault: Greece

When I was sixth grade, my history teacher introduced us about ancient civilizations.  We learned about the rich ancient history in Africa, India, China, Aztec society, Incan society, and then we came to the Romans and the Greeks.  I’ve always been fascinated by mythology, and Greek mythology is without a doubt my favorite.  It was also around the same time that Rick Riordan released the first of his Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, which I still love to this day.  I could open up one of those books now and feel the same amount of joy reading it as I did the first time I found them.  Sixth grade was also the year that I traveled to Greece.