Taking on Taiwan: Ch-Ch-Changes

Recently, I explored some old posts of mine, just to see if I think the same way I did back then about things.  It was rather interesting, reading it and remembering exactly how I felt.  At the same time, however, I have to admit, I have trouble associating with who I was back then.  Just remembering the things I used to see daily in university and back home compared to the things that I am used to now makes me realize how truthfully different my life has become.  If you want a glimpse of it, check out this post.  Contrasting them is trippy.

New Year, Same Me

2018 flew by in the blink of an eye.  It honestly feels like I woke up and it was January, blinked a couple of times, and here we are in December, right before New Years’ Eve.  I’m so grateful for all that has happened in the last year.  I started a fitness routine and kept up with it, I wrote three books and published two of them before the end of the year, I visited home and saw most of my family and friends, decided to move home, and now, as you are reading this, I will be preparing for my NYE celebration in Hsinchu with two of my best friends.

Fall is for Family

Of all the seasons, my favorite is autumn.  Part of that is due to the beauty I saw growing up around this time of year.  In the Midwest, the leaves would change color, turning from vibrant green to rusted colors.  The trees would shed themselves of summer’s fragments and everyone would find their way to the orchards, ready to pick out the recent harvest: apples, pumpkins, fruits, vegetables, and then finish off a day in the fields with a drink of apple cider with mitten covered hands.