Taking on Taiwan: To All I Leave Behind

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Well, we’ve made it to the end of the blog series!  As you read this, I will be spending my last weekend in Taiwan exploring Taipei, probably in a tea shop or climbing a mountain somewhere.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to head home, begin anew, and start the next chapter of my life.  But I’d also be lying if I told you that I wasn’t upset about leaving behind Taiwan, a place I call home.

The emotions and the thoughts that have raced through my head during the last two and a half years mirror a lot of what I felt in university, especially towards the end of my journey in Taichung.  I have hinted–a lot–during the blog posts of my feelings about Taiwan and my choice, but I do believe I am ready.  If you stay too long in a place you feel you are not comfortable in, you will find yourself growing weary and discouraged.  And I feel that as much as I love Taiwan, I am ready to close this chapter and look ahead to the next.

To all that I leave behind in Taiwan, I will truly miss you.  Deeply and honestly, everything and everyone who made this list has impacted me in the most amazing ways possible:

  • To my friends, who opened up my horizons and shared so many wonderful memories with me that I will be able to recount for years to come: thank you for joining me in Taiwan, and for many more fantastic memories to come.  I can’t wait for the future when I return to visit.
  • To my coworkers, who helped me from the beginning and continued till the very end.  Thank you for showing me the power of teachers, education, and assisting me to become a great teacher.  I will miss your guidance and seeing you on a day to day basis.
  • To my students, I will miss you more than you know.  I’m lucky to have had the chance to be your teacher and get to know you all as deeply as I did these last two and a half years.  I’m proud of you, and always will be.  I hope you continue to work towards all your dreams, no matter how outlandish they ever may become to you.
  • To the various places I went: I will be back, and I know I will always be in deep awe of the beauty of Taiwan, no matter how many countries I travel to in the future.  You will always hold a special place in my heart.
  • To my scooter, Diamond, who I parted with for good: thank you for being my vehicle to explore and see parts of Taichung I would have probably not seen otherwise.  Also, I will miss our Lizzie McGuire moments, without a doubt.  You were the best $600 investment ever.
  • To everyone and everything else in between: thank you, from the very bottom of my heart, for playing your part.  The world works in mysterious ways, but I know that everything happens for a reason, just as everything so perfectly fell into all the right places while in Taiwan.  Nothing happens by accident, so thank you.

I don’t drink, but I will close out my final Taking on Taiwan post with a toast to Taiwan:

To Taiwan, the island that once was full of mystery and unknowns when I first laid eyes on you three years ago, thank you.  Thank you for letting me uncover your mysteries, explore, and discover myself a little more, but most importantly, thank you for allowing me to call you my home.

Until I see you again,


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