Work Now, Play Later

As a twenty-five year old single woman living in America, I’ll admit: the struggle, unfortunately, is very real sometimes.  Life gets us down and we have to get back up, but that’s how it is, isn’t it?  There are challenges, ups and downs, but we prevail in the end.  Something I have never understood, however, is when we make deliberate, pleasure-based decisions and purchases that keep us down when all we want to do is get out of whatever rut we got stuck in.

Taking on Taiwan: The Ups and the Downs

During the first six months of my time in Taiwan, the world was shiny and new.  I remember–quite vividly–walking into any store (even a 7/11) and being over the top excited about everything that I saw.  The snack packs of seaweed, sushi, soy milk, Coca-Cola, tissue, toiletries, disposable underwear, literally everything I saw, because everything was new.  And for a long time, that’s what life was like in Taiwan: a mix of terrifyingly brand new and exciting.  There is, however, that time when your everyday life becomes the norm.

Taking on Taiwan: The Buzz About Buxibans

Not less than twenty-four hours after touching down in Taipei the second time, I was sitting in a lecture hall among forty other men and women.  Some of them were the same age as I was, while others were older with far more teaching credentials than I had.  Exhaustion filled me, mostly because I’d spent much of the night chatting with my roommate and one of my now good friends, Rona, after she arrived as well.  We awaited our training leaders to start what would be a week’s worth of learning how to teach and more about the HESS curriculum.

The Key to a Proper Diet

The year is 2011.  I was seventeen going on finally being a legal adult, preparing for university and collegiate division three ice hockey.  In the spring of that year, I’d written my first real full length manuscript (which I never ended up publishing) and I was attempting to get noticed on other smaller websites or journals.  As far as my future appeared, things were looking up.  Until I glanced around at the other aspects of my life.  Then the truth became more than apparent to me: my diet was inadequate.